Bites and Stings
Australia is home to a diverse range of insect species, including several types of wasps. While some wasps are beneficial as predators of other pests, others can pose a threat due to their stinging capabilities.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in Australia, with coronary heard diseases at the top of the list. It is vital to identify early signs. Seeking medical advice early can help lower the risk of death.
General Health-Related
Iron imbalances are often associated with women, but it is important to recognise that men can experience iron imbalances as well. Iron imbalances can have a variety of health effects. These effects can range from mild to very severe. They can also affect your daily life and mental wellbeing.
For the first time since their implementation, ASICA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis have gone through a major reformatting.
General Health-Related
International Men's Health Week is about raising awareness of the health and wellbeing challenges facing our men and boys. In order for men and boys to thrive, the stigmas around seeking help need to be broken down, and men need to focus their time and attention on their own wellbeing.
Allergy and Asthma
Knowing the signs and symptoms of mild, moderate, and severe asthma attacks can help avoid an asthma emergency.
Biological hazards are often easy to overlook because they may not be visible to the naked eye. Ensuring you know the signs to look for, and ways to treat injuries caused by biological hazards, is important for all workpalces.
Unmanaged noise, vibration, and ototoxic chemicals in the workplace can lead to occupational hearing loss. Damage to the ears can be immediate or evolving, and can be permanent. It is important to identify and manage risks associated with hearing loss in the workplace.
Mental Health
Workplaces can be a significant source of stress, and in turn cause psychological injuries. It is important to recognise and manage sources of psychological stress in the workplace.
Allergy and Asthma
The EpiPen is an essential medical device used to treat severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. It delivers a fixed dose of adrenaline via intramuscular injection into the leg muscle, which helps combat anaphylactic symptoms such as low blood pressure and breathing difficulties. Adrenaline is a natural hormone that is produced by the body in response to an allergic reaction. Administering an EpiPen can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death if done early enough. It is important to know how to use an EpiPen correctly, as it can be administered by anyone, including those without medical training or self-administered. If you or someone you know is at risk of severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis, it is essential to have an EpiPen on hand and to know how to use it in an emergency.
Australia is home to approximately 10,000 spider species. In this downloadable chart, we outline how to treat bites from ten of Australia's most common spiders. Some of these spiders inflict only mild bites, while others contain venom that is highly potent and toxic to humans.
Learn how to prevent foodborne illness and protect your health with these four food safety tips, including the importance of maintaining cleanliness when handling food and avoiding cross-contamination.